Thursday, August 28, 2008

Who is this person

For serious I am morphing into a person I do not know. I have turned into a militant plastic bag hater. I blame my work environment. Y'all the upper management has done away with plastic trash bags at desks.

My friends, that is hard core plastic hate.

I always do my best to recycle plastic bags when I go grocery shopping, or I use them in the bathroom for trash, but recent freezer stockpiling trips have made me hate the pile of bags in my kitchen cabinet that spill out like a dirty, environment hating secret every time it is opened.

And then the cats think oh joy.....let me roll around on these until I am a static furball and get tangled up in them.

And then I hose myself in bactine from all the unintentional cat scratches from the untangling drama.

So I have ordered Chico bags. They are pretty cool. The bags come in all sorts of colors (or an "Earth" graphic if you so choose). I chose Earth.

As you can see, they come in nifty little carrying bags that have a clip so you can tether them to whatever. I am pumped to receive my purchase.

I promise that I will not go over the edge with my green-ness. If I suddenly start buying boxed wine because I fear that I am wasting too much glass, please commit me, but remember to pack my tiara.

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